Photo by Jessica Bonney
Imagine a world where the health of the Earth is a priority. A world that focuses on reducing waste and carbon footprints. In this world, like-minded people surround you and outlets providing education on environmental issues are present. It sounds almost too perfect, right? Lucky for us Bonnaroovians, we get to visit this world every year at Planet Roo.
Planet Roo is a space at Bonnaroo that encourages social and environmental activism. Many non-profit organizations represent this haven. Bonnaroo’s sustainability runs deep. It starts with a $1 donation to sustainable causes from every ticket purchase. Even if you don’t make it over to Planet Roo or help by sorting your trash into the proper bins, you can be certain that a portion of your ticket purchase to this magical weekend getaway is given back to the community.
In addition, Bonnaroo releases a yearly sustainability report for fans to view. In 2018 alone, 351 tons of waste was diverted from landfills! The best part about Bonnaroo is that each one of us who attends has the opportunity to be a part of something incredible from an experience standpoint as well as contribute to the massive sustainability efforts the music festival engages in each year. Together, we can all make a change! Do your part, pick up some trash, educate yourself, and give some high fives out!

Make a Difference
Bonnaroo and Planet Roo make it easy for us attendees to make a real difference while attending massive, live outdoor events. Here are a few resources available to all who wish to contribute to sustainable efforts.
Annual Sustainability Report
Every year Bonnaroo releases a detailed sustainability report. The report includes information about waste diversion, recaps from Planet Roo activities and workshops, and updates of community projects Bonnaroo is apart of including Bonnaroots and Bonnaroo Works Fund.
Refill Revolution
Bonnaroo partners with Steelys Drinkware and the Plastic Pollution Coalition to provide stainless steel beer cups. Fans have the option to pre-purchase beer cups or get them on-site. These cups go FAST on-site so be sure to pick yours up early in the weekend! Not only do you get a cute, branded cup but there’s also a carrying strap for the cup as well. The best part about these cups is that fans receive $1 off beer purchases when they use the cup. It really is the gift that keeps on giving.
Clean Vibes Trading Post
In the festival world, bottles, cans, and cigarette butts are currency. By collecting bags of recyclables and trash, you can exchange these items for festival swag at the Clean Vibes Trading Post.
Rooduce, Roouse, Roocycle
Whether this is your 6th Bonnaroo or your 1st Bonnaroo it’s important to understand how the trash bins work. Scattered around the festival you will run into trash bins with 3 compartments: landfill, compost, and recycle. I’ll start with landfill since this is what should be used the least often. Landfill consists of chip bags, candy wrappers, styrofoam, and ice cream wrappers. Next is compost. What’s really interesting about Bonnaroo is that all food items from vendors (plates, forks, “plastic cups”, and napkins) are all made from corn or potatoes and are compostable! So yes, please throw your forks and cups into the compost pile to make the jobs of Clean Vibes volunteers a little easier. Finally, recyclables. These items consist of cans, glass, aluminum, plastic wrapping and so on.

Inside Planet Roo
There are a variety of activities that take place inside of Planet Roo you don’t want to miss out on! Below is a list of activities to engage in during your time in Planet Roo.
The Academy
This is a space that encourages creativity and inspiration. In The Academy fans can find interactive art experiences, henna tattoos, gardening, song writing and more!
BonnaROOTS Community Dinner
This is a special tradition that takes place at Bonnaroo. The locally-sourced community feast benefits Oxfam America and Eat for Equity. Very important guests attend this dinner. Previous years co-founders of Bonnaroo, Bonnaroo producers, artists, and more have sat at this dinner.
How Stage
This stage is found in Planet Roo and is extremely special because it is Bonnaroo’s only completely solar powered stage!
Bonnaroo Learning Garden
The Learning Garden is incredible because it teaches fans how to grow their own food! How cool is that?
4Ocean is an amazing company that does incredible work for our oceans and environment. This year 4Ocean will discuss how for-profit companies can change the world! Experience the power of community and collective intentions.