Photos courtesy of The Floozies
Prepare for the Second Coming…
The kings of electro-funk have been hard at work on their nationwide tour in celebration of their newest album, Funk Jesus. Funk never actually died (nor will it ever), but it’s experiencing a little resurrecting this Friday, March 23rd at the Crescent Ballroom of Phoenix. Seriously, these funky tunes have the ability to bring any drifting soul back to life.
Prepare to get groovy…
Let’s face it- we at Festival Squad love us some instrumentals, but we also love us some dirty bass music. The best part? The Floozies have this way of keeping you covered across the spectrum, and the best way to describe this is with one, simple word: eargasm. It’s bold, it’s funky, and it will leave you craving a Third Coming- no doubt. Future funk, here we come.