Cowritten by Madison Fischer and Matalyn Hopkins
Photos by Matalyn Hopkins
Everywhere in the world could be considered art
But some places are like being inside of art’s heart
Places where you can look inside a gem
While hearing its corresponding jams

From February 2nd to February 4th, we experienced a gorgeous gathering of souls for a Gemmin and Jammin 2024 festival. Starting the moment we went into the gates, we were immersed into a land of authentic expression, creativity, and nourishment. Walking alongside forest fairies, playful kittens, fiery dragons, and a wide array of other beings, the grounds welcomed us in with rows of creatives and their works – gems of all shapes and sizes, third eye pinecone necklaces, flow toys, and more.
Facet-nating Foundations
What sound does an emerald make?
How long would that song take?
By combining the stunning beauty and depth of both the gems and the music, the entire weekend glimmered with multi-faceted experiences. About every 3 feet there was a completely new experience – like looking at a gem and slightly shifting the light to see a completely new perspective.
The Quartz stage was set closest to the entrance, welcoming in attendees with a cleansing, boppy energy that was vibrant with flow – ers, dancers, slacklines, and a colorful tapestry-like cover over the top of the ground of the stage.
The energy of the Quartz stage blended nicely into the Quilted Rummage installation – an immersive, poetic experience giving Alice in Wonderland vibes featuring a tree of attendee’s deepest memories of their relationship with music.
Following the relaxing flow, we found ourselves being rejuvenated with chai, cacao, cuddle puddles, and mind expanding conversations at the Dewomp station.
The heart of the layout held installations and live artists grooving along to the Emerald main stage. Giant crystals lined the stage that hosted a plethora of incredible artists including Gone Gone Beyond, The Disco Biscuits, Of The Trees, Daily Bread, and nature’s sky paintings as a backdrop every evening.
From some nearby place
We hear the calls of the bass

The Onyx stage had us diving into the depths of the darkness with sound chefs serving up wubs and womps into the wee hours of the night. The entire stage was set inside the fairground’s main building with art installations and live artists sprinkled around.
Need a little break from the dancing? Feel free to sit on a couch made of stuffed animals or inside a giant geometric light up shape.
Stepping outside of the Onyx portal, we found ourselves quickly in a new sound vibration traveling from the Opal stage. This stage may have been a bit smaller, yet packed a powerful menu of artists through booming speakers and turned into the silent disco at night.
“Hey Flow!
Which way do I go?”

Thank you to the crews, production teams, artists, and attendees that all put in their energy to make this weekend possible!