Pasquale Rotella, Owner of EDC, Apologizes to Festival Attendees

Two full days of EDC Las Vegas are complete and festies are now gearing up for the last. To those watching EDC from their home, it looks like nothing but magic, glitter and LED fun. But to those out in the 100+ degree weather, life hasn’t been as good as the cameras may display. Fans have taken to social media to complain about long lines and risk of dehydration getting to and from the festival.


Pasquale Rotella, owner of Insomniac events, has always been one to interact with his fans and does so again to apologize for these less than satisfactory experiences. We all know that EDC is no easy festival to run, so we can appreciate the fact that Pasquale cares enough to make adjustments and work on the issues at hand immediately.


To all festival squads out in Las Vegas, please stay safe and hydrated! To those who want to experience EDC from their own home, you can do so HERE.


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